

运动水壶太空杯果汁搅拌机婴儿奶樽透明食品器皿专用料eastman共聚聚酯tritan copolye


由于人们对生活品质和健康的追求,市场对塑胶原材料的环保要求亦日益提高,例如 PC 水解后会产生 BPA (双酚-A)。近年来研究表明,人类(包括动物)如长期摄入微量的 BPA,极有可能对生殖系统产生不良影响,破坏性别比例的平衡,因此部分国家和地区已限制或禁用 PC。制造商面对环保方面的压力,正在寻找能替代 PC 的材料,Eastman正是在这种市场背景下,开发出新一代共聚聚酯Tritan™。

塑胶产品制造商也许对Eastman传统共聚聚酯并不陌生,例如 Eastar、Provista 等,它们固然有许多优点,也不含 BPA,但是Tg不高 (85℃左右),不能完全满足耐温高的要求,因此不能完全取代 PC。Eastman新一代共聚聚酯Tritan™ 不但完全继承了传统共聚聚酯的优点,而且耐温更高,加工更容易。




1). 不含BPA

Tritan™ 在聚合生产过程中无 BPA 成分,在使用过程中也不会释放 BPA,符合环保要求及 FDA。

2). 清澈透明


3). 优异的抗冲击强度

无缺口冲击不断,有缺口冲击强度因牌号不同在 650-980J/m 之间,可比美PC 的冲击强度。

4). 优秀的抗化、抗水解性能

Tritan™ 能抗洗涤剂、清洁剂、烃类溶剂、油类、香水等腐蚀;在湿热的环境中能抗水解。

5). 耐温高

低压热变形温度 (HDT @ 0.455MPa) 根据牌号不同在 94℃-109℃之间。

6). 流动性好

测试条件在2.16kgf 压力,280℃熔体温度条件下,熔指 (MI) 根据牌号不同在15.3-29.5 之间。

7). 容易成型加工

Tritan™ 的牌号可用注塑 (injection)、挤出 (extrusion)、挤吹 (EBM)、注拉吹(ISBM) 等各种方法加工。一般来说,用PC能正常生产的模具,无须改动便可用Tritan™ 来生产,生产周期时间非常接近。

8). 容易二次加工

Tritan™ 可适用于的二次加工方法包括:UV 胶水粘接、超声波熔接、表面印刷喷漆、表面真空电镀等。

9). 制品残余应力小

注塑后,产品残余应力比 PC 小,无须再做后续退火处理。产品在使用过程中由于残余应力开裂的机会少,所以Tritan™ 制造出来的产品更加经久耐用。


Tritan™ 作为新一代共聚聚酯,经过Eastman多年的研发,已进入商业化应用阶段。其牌号已自成体系,以满足市场的各种需求。Eastman首先在欧美市场上进行了推广应用,Tritan™ 凭着环保易加工等优良品质,引起了欧美市场的积极响应,并取得了很大的成功。总体来说,Tritan™ 可以适用于传统共聚聚酯的所有市场应用。在这里,我们将通过案例展示来着重介绍它替代 PC 的市场应用。

案例1:Camelbak 户外运动水壶

传统户外运动水壶一般采用PC注拉吹生产瓶身,但由于PC 有BPA 的问题,Camelbak 决定用Tritan™ 来替代PC生产瓶身。Tritan™ 瓶的强度、透明度仍然可以保持PC瓶的水平,原来生产PC的模具、注拉吹机器均无须修改,因此Camelbak 公司并没有因为替换材料而对生产设备进行追加投资。而其户外运动水壶产品因为采用了EastmanTritan™ 这一新型环保材料,故具有领先市场的优势。

案例2:Evenflo 婴儿奶瓶

传统婴儿透明奶瓶一般用PC 生产,许多家庭经常用沸水或洗碗机对奶瓶进行清洗或灭菌,但PC 在湿热条件下更容易水解而释放BPA,因此奶瓶制造商不得不放弃用PC 生产奶瓶。有的制造商转用PSU 或PES,但成本非常昂贵;有的转用PP,但奶瓶已是半透明效果。Evenflo 选用EastmanTritan™ 生产奶瓶,不仅成本变化不大,且产品更受市场欢迎。

案例3:Vita-Mix 搅拌机

食物搅拌机或榨汁机一般用PC做透明杯,同样由于BPA 的问题,有的制造商只好用更低端的SAN 或PMMA,但产品的档次明显降低。Vita-Mix 用Tritan™ 替代PC,无须更改原有PC 模具和注塑机便可正常生产,其生产成本变化不大。同时由于Tritan™ 杯身残余应力小,其产品寿命比PC 更长。


Tritan™ is a BPA-free material that’s tough enough to take on the dishwasher.

This, in essence, was the message when EastmanTritancopolyester was launched in October 2007.

Not only is Tritan™ manufactured without bisphenol-A (BPA), it also has heat-resistance qualities that ensure sports bottles and kitchenware can be manufactured in brilliant colors, and safe in the knowledge that repeated trips through the dishwasher won’t dim their luster.

Tritan™ became an instant hit, specified by the manufacturers of everything from reusable bottles to sippy cups. It became popular in the housewares market, with blenders, coffee makers, and other products converting to Tritan™.

And the Tritan™ bandwagon continues to grow and gain momentum.

Designers and process engineers are discovering that Tritan™ is more than just a dishwasher-safe, BPA-free option.

They are beginning to appreciate the many high-performance characteristics Tritan™ offers.

For consumer electronics, the inherent toughness and chemical resistance of Tritan™ makes it attractive for use in cell phones and media devices.

Around the home, Tritan™ provides clear plastic housings of vacuum cleaners a better defined, more lustrous finish.

The impact and chemical resistance of Tritan™ makes it an ideal replacement for polycarbonate and glass in refrigerator ice bins and shelving. Washing machines and dryers can benefit from the same features as well as the material’s excellent heat resistance.

And the allure of Tritan™ is not confined to designers and consumers.

For design engineers, Tritan™ offers viable alternatives unrestricted by compromise. In many applications it can be a replacement for polycarbonate: no call for expensive retooling, no need for down-time. In fact, Tritan™ can result in shorter cycle times, fewer manufacturing stages and makes intricate designs possible.

When you come right down to it, that’s what Tritan™ is all about – expanding the possibilities available to designers and engineers. But don’t take our word for it. Listen to our customers and take a look at their applications. Tritan™ has changed their thinking; it can also change the way you think about materials.


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